Experienced, professional market specialists in custom-crafted, innovative insurance packages that meet client needs.
When retail agents or brokers turn to a wholesale insurance broker, it’s typically because of the need for assistance with a difficult-to-place risk or to obtain special insurance in an unfamiliar market.
At Novita Insurance Solutions, LLC our value proposition is fourfold. We provide clients insight into carrier risk appetite and current market trends; we bring creativity and innovation to managing risk; we leverage relationships to benefit all involved; and we always strive to go above and beyond in service expectation.
“As an intermediary, wholesalers focus on relationships – with the retail brokers, and with carriers. The retail broker looks to a wholesaler to bring knowledge, innovation, credibility, experience, and service to the table for the benefit of their clients. The wholesale brokers specialized knowledge about market needs and product/service niche coverages is immersive; we “live” it daily, solving complex problems, addressing unique risks, identifying market trends, and communicating.” – Pat Lowther
We also have a market for umbrellas and miscellaneous risks for our binding brokers. Please ask us for details.